Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kim Kardashian: ‘The Web Made me Famous’

Kim Kardashian: ‘The Web Made me Famous’

KIM Kardashian has credited the internet with making her famous.

The reality TV star is adamant her high-profile is down to social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook because it means she can directly interact with her fans.

“I think a lot of our fan base and a lot of our connection with people is internet based,” she said.

“I think that the internet has brought on a different kind of celebrity. We are very well aware of who we are and what our place is. We are so active on twitter, on our Facebook pages, we are writing back, we are connecting. We enjoy it.”

“I love writing them back. People will write me, ‘My phone battery lasts longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage,’ and I’ll write back, ‘Oh, which phone is that?’

“When people are so stupid, you just have to have fun with it. Someone [without a profile photo] will say I’m fat, or a hairy Armenian, and I’ll write back, ‘Oh, that egg picture of yours is so gorgeous.’

“One time I wrote, ‘F**k yeah!’ and all my younger fans were like, ‘What are you turning into?’ So I deleted it.”