Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Beyonce covers PEOPLE mag as the most beautiful woman in the world.

 Beyonce covers PEOPLE mag as the most beautiful woman in the world. You've seen the cover and a glimpse of Bey's first post-baby interview. But now that we've seen the whole spread, here's some things you should know...

On how Blue Ivy changed her body:

My toes and feet are a lot rougher since I have become a mom. Other than that, I try to take care of myself drinking a gallon of water a day with lemon.

On Jay-Z loving her domestic look:

He loves it when I wear flat shoes, which is surprising – he never saw me in flats before! He likes me more natural – just the relaxed, natural me.’

On embracing motherhood:
I'm obsessed with Blue. And I mean that in many ways. I just stare at her all day. She is my favorite thing in the world and my number one job is to protect her.

On her newfound love for flats

I never thought there would be a day when I wouldn't wear heels. Now that I have a child, I walk around holding her all day, I'm buying loafers and oxfords. I love the, because they're comfortable, and shorter heels too.

On dropping the glam squad to handle her hair herself

'I recently cut two inches myself - I just parted it in the middle and chh-chh-chh!'

On getting her body right post-baby
BeyoncĂ© revealed how breast-feeding her little one for ten weeks helped her lose ‘the bulk’ of her pregnancy weight, but that she’s now on a strict-protein based diet. She now works out three times a week for 90 minutes, doing a combination of running, dancing and crunches. "I’m definitely softer, but I feel my body bouncing back. And no, I don't have a trainer living with me."

On adjusting how she sees herself post-baby
Every day in my life is a part of my history, and I've worked really hard on my career and my life. So I make sure I wouldn't be upset if somebody saw me. I've been mostly wearing my hair slicked back in a ponytail and no makeup, just sunglasses and lip gloss...When I've just gotten out of the shower, I feel really beautiful then. When [my makeup] is off and I can feel my own skin.

On her in-labor look

I tried to always wrap my hair and I put some lipgloss on before going in. But after many hours of labor, I didn't care how I looked.