Monday, June 11, 2012

Lady Gaga completes third album

Lady Gaga completes third album

Lady Gaga will announce her third album title in September.

The album is finished and Gaga has tweeted that she has handed it over to her label. 'Exciting news little monsters! I've played my new record for my label and will be announcing my new Album Title in September! X,' she wrote.

The unnamed album will be closely watched by fans who contributed to double platinum sales in the USA and Australia and platinum in the USA, well short on sales of the first album 'The Fame' and its morphed version 'The Fame Monster'.

Lady Gaga has kept her profile up in recent weeks with an appearance on the final episode of the season for The Simpsons and a cameo as an alien in 'Men In Black 3'.

Lady Gaga's Australian Born This Way Ball will commence in Brisbane this week on June 13, 2012.