Wednesday, August 22, 2012

He took Kim Kardashian and he turned her into Kim West.

I personally think that Kanye shouldn't mess with Kim's style in the first place. Having an opinion about your girlfriend's outfits is one thing, transforming a fashion icon into a living advertisement of your own line is a whole other! Kim is in love and she won't say no, but someone would guess that Kanye being supposedly in love too, would just drop this thing.

The majority of Kim's fanbase is 
not into the new Kanye Regime and from what I'm reading in blogs the fashion world is not feeling it either. She has every right to mess with her style, after all it's her life, her career, her choices. I'm just saying that her beloved boyfriend should just let her be! He took Kim Kardashian and he turned her into Kim West. :( I'm losing the excitement i used to have about her style, waiting to see new pics to just wow over them. I respect all of you who think differently, so don't hate on me for having an opinion. D*