Saturday, August 11, 2012

PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM CEO .... I Love you all my fans for getting us to over 60,000

PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM CEO .... I Love you all my fans for getting  So Sexy Fashion Facebook Page  to over 59,000 fans today (Sat, 12 August). Your support makes me feel Blessed indeed and proud for what we do. So Sexy Fashion would be nothing without my loved and dearest and for that I thank you. 
Charles Bassey, God only knows how much I love you! Without you and the trust I HAD in you for me, So Sexy Fashion would not have been born ... God Bless the support you had in me.

As of today August 12th  2012... Wow over 59,000 Likes on facebook Page alone and over 90,000 followers altogether on BOTH on Likes and FB Groups...

Thank you everyone!!