Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spanish Magazine Causes An Uproar By Portraying Michelle Obama As A Nude Slave!!


Spanish Magazine Fuera de Serie sparked a huge controversy recently. They put the picture of First Lady,Michelle Obama on the cover of their new issue, but it wasn’t just a regular picture. Michelle Obama was portrayed as a topless slave.

The painting, taken from the 
“Famous Nudes” series done by artist Karine Percherone-Daniels, was created by superimposing First Lady’s face onto the body of the Black enslaved women. The original painting was done by French painter, Marie-Guillemine Benoist back in 1800 and called “Portrait d’une nĂ©gresse.

Not clear why the magazine decided to use an image that would most likely meet a lot of negative responses. But inside the spread, the magazine gives Michelle the credits for President Obama’s successful career, calling her great woman behind her powerful husband.

“In the shadow of the U.S. President is a person whose popularity ratings exceed those of Barack’s own,” reads the excerpt. “This person is none other than his wife Michelle… To find out how Michelle has managed to seduce the American people . . . [we] detail the secrets of a woman has not [just] only won the heart of Barack Obama”
Needless to say a lot of people find more than offensive and absolutely unnecessary for the Spanish magazine to us e a picture like that.

To me it’s clear that they were trying to get an attention, which they did. What is disturbing is the fact how media today can care less the means they are trying to get an attention with…
Your thoughts?