Thursday, October 11, 2012

Singer Kelly Rowland revealed a new website today along with a promo shot and the title of her 4th solo disc.

Singer Kelly Rowland revealed a new website today along with a promo shot and the title of her 4th solo disc. 

Actress and singer Kelly Rowland revealed a new website today where she told fans the title of her upcoming disc. She said,

Im so excited to reveal the title of my fourth solo studio album. For weeks I have been using the hashtag #YOTW which stands for my next album which is titled ‘Year Of the Woman‘. This album is one of my greatest pieces of work and I cannot wait to share it with you guys! xoxo- KR

Kelly spoke to Vegas Magazine about the upcoming project saying,

I am more excited going into it this time than last time because I have a concept. I’m making this album for my ladies, oh, yes, and it is strong. All of the producers I’ve been working with get the concept so much that they brought in a little more aggressive—and sometimes masculine—approach, but there is a really incredible top line: I want to tell women how incredible we are, how our intuition is so spot-on. Sometimes we don’t listen to it, but it is the thing that can actually make us happier.”

Another album though? We love Kelly so we'll just say do you boo.