Monday, November 26, 2012

Britney Spears Wants One Direction to Sing at Her Wedding

Naysayers saying that the wedding between Britney Spears and her fiance Jason Trawick is canceled should think twice; because the superstar is already planning the entertainment portion of her sure-to-be beautiful affair.

Spears was reportedly so taken aback and impressed by One Direction‘s awesome performance on her show ‘X Factor‘ a cou

ple of weeks ago, that she wants them to perform at her wedding! What the Queen wants, the Queen will get.

“Britney loved 1D on ‘The X Factor USA’ and told them backstage that she’d love them to sing at her wedding,” said a source. “They agreed, but said it would depend on their schedule. She’s told Simon Cowell she’s serious and he must make it happen.”

Viewers of the FOX show may remember Spears totally falling the band after their performance a couple of weeks ago. The band, who were put together in a group on the U.K. version of the show, showcased their skills on not one, but two songs during their set: ‘Little Things’ and ‘Live While We’re Young,’ and they clearly found a fan in Brit.

“They swooned me, I loved them. They were amazing,” she said after their performance.