Monday, November 12, 2012

Chris Brown wants everybody to listen up once and for all.

Breezy wants everybody to listen up once and for all. He has something to explain about his relationship with ex-girlfriend Rihanna. 

Chris rolled to Big Boy's Neighborhood on Power 106 in L.A. this AM to get some ish off his chest. One of those things was another explanation about his status with Rihanna after he made it known he was stiil in love with her and broke up with Karrueche to "explo

re" things with the pop star.

After Rih told Andy Cohen yesterday that she is NOT with Chris, he also confirmed that they are not together. But said people need to butt out regardless. When asked if the twosome, who have a collabo on Rihanna's upcoming album, were back on:

"No. I put a webisode out explaining my situation. And with that it's just me being honest with my self. Me and her have history and me and her will always be the best of friends. We're working on our friendship now.

"Everyone feels so attached to this situation. It's still detrimental today, but that's why I'm doing the Genesse Center to show domestic violence is not okay. But as far as our personal life people got to give it a chance. Not even a chance, they need to shut the hell up. It's me. At the end of the day, whatever opinion they have ain't going to change nothing I'm doing...They're the fans, so sit back and watch. That's all you're doing anyway."

So there you have it.