Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rihanna - Out Now: US Album Releases

The release of Rihanna’s seventh studio album hasn’t come without a significant fanfare. The Barbadian pop artist is currently in the midst of an ambitious tour, playing seven different cities, in seven different countries, over seven days. As the tour hits London, there’s already been talk of drunken antics and streaking on the official ‘777’ tour plane. Befo
re you get too excited, though, it wasn’t Rhi-Rhi getting her kit off; it would seem that it was just a drunk and frustrated journo.

The album itself, Unapologetic, has been making just as many headlines as the lavish release tour. When Rihanna posted a handwritten tracklisting on Twitter, many an eyebrow was raised to see Chris Brown’s name on there, signifying that the tabloids’ favourite former couple would perform a duet. Many a second eyebrow was also raised, when they saw that the title of the duet was ‘Nobodies Business.’ English language aficionados and domestic abuse experts alike were up in arms at the news, though Rihanna remains both defiant and unapologetic over it.

As for the music, so far, we have had the track ‘Diamonds,’ to give a taster of what to expect on Unapologetic. ‘Diamonds’ has already spent four weeks in the chart, having peaked at number two, which bodes well for album number seven from Rihanna.