Showing posts with label Jane Austen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jane Austen. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tag, You're All It!

Tagged by the lovely Helen of Living Boldly:
1. If you could own any automobile, which one would you choose?
An Audi A6.
2. Do you have a favorite curse word?
"Son of a biscuit!"
3. If you could meet a world leader, living or dead, who would it be?
Bill Clinton.
4. Does 'the one that got away' apply to anyone in your past?
Thankfully, no! I am so happy with GP :)
5. Are you genuinely afraid of anything?
6. What do you feel most proud of?
My blog, of course!
7. What do you consider your worst flaw?
I can be impulsive.
8. What makes you happy?
The beach!
9. What makes you sad?
Losing a cherished pet (our cat, Oscar, is 15... hope he lives forever!)
10. Any guilty pleasures?
Dark chocolate, vodka martinis, online shopping, and brie.
11. If you could be anyone in history, who would it be?
Jane Austen. Love the era and her novels!
CC is tagging all of her Fellow Fashionistas!