Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jay-Z a Fan of Rita Ora's Energy

It's a dream come true for hungry artists to be discovered, and a bigger dream come true to be discovered by Jay-Z’s camp. Hov had his hand in the launch of the careers of Kanye West and Rihanna, and he is excited about his new protégée Rita Ora. The rap entrepreneur holds high expectations for the newest member of Roc Nation, and loves the energy she brings to the game.

Jay recently spoke to MTV news on Monday about the spunky singer, saying, "I think her energy is infectious, because out the gate, two #1s in London and she'll just continue to grow from there." He goes on the speak about her hunger as an artist. "She was the cool girl that worked in the sneaker store in the hood and everyone knew of her. She was just in there dreamin' and she just wanted it so bad," he said, describing Ora with awe. "You could just feel the excitement and the energy when she walks in the room, the room really changes. I know a lot of people say that and it gets to be cliché, but when she walks into a room, her energy picks you up."