Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Usher breaks down in court over bad father claims… after alleging ex-wife got violent with his girlfriend.

Usher ACCUSES Tameka Raymond Of ATTACKING And SPITTING At His "Girlfriend"…

Usher testified in court that the day he showed up at Tameka's house with his girlfriend Grace Miguel (he called Grace his "girlfriend" under oath but seems to deny it to the media), Tameka went HAM hitting him, throwing food and spitting at his girlfriend.

As the ex-couple continues to battle for custody, Usher said Tameka approached him and Grace and "wanted to fight." He said that Tameka walked up to the car and said, "I'm gonna kick your ass. Bitch get out of the car. How dare you bring this woman into my subdivision in my house?" He added, "She continued to spit. At this point she pulled the door open, tried to swing at her."

Deep sigh. He alleges that after he got out of the car to calm her, Tameka hit him. THEN, "she threw a plate of food at the car!" He added that one day, Tameka told Grace, "I will f**k you up."