Showing posts with label LA House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LA House. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to My House Party Party

About two months ago (time flies!) I moved into a new place (well, Wesley Mason moved everything while I was in Spain), but truth be told, due to all of my travels, I've only stayed in this new place for a total of 15 days and only recently finished unpacking. By no means does that mean I'm done decorating. I still have to paint the place and get a new sofa, curtains, etc... but since I was in town and so were my friends, I decided to throw a little holiday party.

To be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed to show you the unfinished decor but I thought it would be interesting to show you the process and how I prepared for my little party! 
Hope you enjoy the photos! xoxo