Showing posts with label Interior Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interior Design. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Girls Only in This Area

What a seductive space.....
It's quite over the top but absolutely amazing.

1st Option via Desire to Inspire

Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to My House Party Party

About two months ago (time flies!) I moved into a new place (well, Wesley Mason moved everything while I was in Spain), but truth be told, due to all of my travels, I've only stayed in this new place for a total of 15 days and only recently finished unpacking. By no means does that mean I'm done decorating. I still have to paint the place and get a new sofa, curtains, etc... but since I was in town and so were my friends, I decided to throw a little holiday party.

To be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed to show you the unfinished decor but I thought it would be interesting to show you the process and how I prepared for my little party! 
Hope you enjoy the photos! xoxo

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Holiday Dinner with Kelly Wearstler

With the holiday comes a bunch of dinner parties and if you're hosting this year, here is an amazing inspiration from my favorite, Kelly Wearstler. She teamed up with Vogue to create an imaginary dinner party and I love all the personalized name cards and objects for each 'imaginary' guest she created. 
I've been to one of her dinner parties before (this post) and I have to say, everything was so well thought out and you can see her touch in even the littlest thing. 

Do you guys have any exciting holiday plans?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Old Apt Tour via Teen Vogue

A few months ago, Teen Vogue stopped by to shoot my old apartment and the article is finally up! By no means, was the decor perfect as I was only living here for little over a year yet have been traveling nonstop so my old apartment served more as a place where I could refuel (sleep or relax) and pack my luggage. Organization was the most important thing for me especially in my closet (I converted a second bedroom into a closet) since I was always on the go, and it made dressing and packing that much easier.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kelly Wearstler on The Coveteur

This is by far my favorite Coveteur! Although I've seen numerous photos of Kelly Wearstler's home and even though I've been there before (as seen on this post) I will never get tired of seeing her home. 

see more on The Coveteur