Showing posts with label closet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label closet. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Old Apt Tour via Teen Vogue

A few months ago, Teen Vogue stopped by to shoot my old apartment and the article is finally up! By no means, was the decor perfect as I was only living here for little over a year yet have been traveling nonstop so my old apartment served more as a place where I could refuel (sleep or relax) and pack my luggage. Organization was the most important thing for me especially in my closet (I converted a second bedroom into a closet) since I was always on the go, and it made dressing and packing that much easier.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Couture Closets

Darlings, GP is building CC a walk-in closet!
CC is designing it, so these celebrity wardrobes are a wonderful source of inspiration.
CC is especially digging the round settee in Nanette Lepore's walk-in.
And the step ladders in Christina Aguilera's and Eva Longoria's closet are pretty cool, too.
Which closet are you coveting?
Images via Google.
P.S. The winner of CC's Poppy Tree Frames Giveaway is the lovely Amber ~ happy shopping!